Dr. Carlos H. Rios
Superintendent of Schools
Amy Childress
Chief Financial Officer
Sandra T. Hernandez
Administrative Director
Jane Villarreal
Chief Instructional Officer
The Texas Education Code charges the superintendent with, among other things:
“…managing the day-to-day operations of the district as its administrative manager, including implementing and monitoring plans, procedures, programs, and systems to achieve clearly defined and desired results in major areas of district operations” and “developing or causing to be developed appropriate administrative regulations to implement policies established by the board of trustees.” Education Code 11.201
These plans, procedures, programs, regulations, and systems are collectively referred to as “administrative regulations” or “administrative procedures” and, like policy recommendations, they are the responsibility of the administrative staff.
—The Administrator’s Guide to Policy Management
The Administrative Regulations & Exhibits are displayed in their appropriate folders. Please select the category to access the documents accordingly.
- CCA(REGULATION) Local Revenue Sources-Bond Issues
- CCA(EXHIBIT) Local Revenue Sources-Bond Issues
- CCG(REGULATION) Local Revenue Sources – Ad Valorem Taxes
- CCG(EXHIBIT) Local Revenue Sources – Ad Valorem Taxes
- CCGA(EXHIBIT) Ad Valorem Taxes – Exemptions and Payments
- CDA(EXHIBIT) Other Revenues-Investments
- CDA(EXHIBIT) Other Revenues-Investments
- CDC (Regulation) – Other Revenues – Gifts and Solicitations
- CFEA(REGULATION) Purchasing and Acquisition
- CK(EXHIBIT) Safety and Security Disclosure Report
- CK(REGULATION) Safety Program/Risk Management
- CKB(REGULATION) Safety Program/Risk Management – Accident Prevention and Reports
- CKB(EXHIBIT) Safety Program/Risk Management – Accident Prevention and Reports
- CKC(REGULATION) Safety Program/Risk Management-Emergency Plans
- CKC(EXHIBIT) Safety Program/Risk Management – Emergency Plans
- CKE(EXHIBIT) Safety Program - Security Personnel
- CLC(REGULATION) Building Grounds and Equipment Management- Traffic and Parking Controls
- CMB(EXHIBIT) Equipment and Supplies Management-Authorized Uses of Equipment and Supplies
- CMD(REGULATION) Equipment and Supplies Management – Instructional Materials Care and Accounting
- CMD(EXHIBIT) Equipment and Supplies Management-Instructional Materials
- CN(REGULATION) Transportation Management
- CNA(REGULATION) Transportation Management – Student Transportation
- CNA(EXHIBIT) Transportation Management – Student Transportation
- CO(REGULATION) Food and Nutrition Management
- CO(EXHIBIT) Food Service Management
- CQ(REGULATION) Technology Resources
- CQ(EXHIBIT) Technology Resources
- CRG(REGULATION) Insurance and Annuities Management-Deferred Compensation and Annuities
- CV(REGULATION) – Facilities Construction
- CW(EXHIBIT) Naming a School or Facility
- DAA(EXHIBIT) Equal Employment Opportunity
- DAA(REGULATION) Equal Employment Opportunity
- DBA(EXHIBIT) Employment Requirements and Restrictions - Credentials and Records
- DBA(REGULATION) Employment Requirements and Restrictions-Credentials and Records
- DBAA(EXHIBIT) Employment Requirement and Restrictions – Criminal History and Credit Reports
- DBAA(REGULATION) Employment Requirement and Restrictions – Criminal History and Credit Reports
- DBD(EXHIBIT) Employment Requirements and Restrictions - Conflict of Interest
- DBD(EXHIBIT) Non-school Employment Disclosure
- DBD(REGULATION) Employment Requirements and Restrictions - Conflict of Interest
- DC(EXHIBIT) Employment Practices - Separation Form Part 1 & Part 2
- DC(REGULATION) Employment Practices
- DCE(EXHIBIT) Employment Practices – Other Types of Contracts
- DEA(EXHIBIT) Compensation and Benefits-Compensation Plan
- DEA(REGULATION) Wage and Hour Law
- DEAA(EXHIBIT) Compensation Plan-Incentives and Stipends
- DEAB(EXHIBIT) Compensation Plan-Wage and Hour Laws
- DEAB(REGULATION) Compensation Plan-Wage and Hour Laws
- DEC(EXHIBIT) Compensation and Benefits - Leaves and Absences
- DEC(REGULATION) Leaves and Absences
- DED(REGULATION) Compensation and Benefits/Vacations and Holidays
- DEE(REGULATION) Compensation and Benefits – Expense Reimbursement
- DF(EXHIBIT) Termination of Employment
- DFAB(EXHIBIT) Probationary Contracts-Return to Probationary Status
- DFAB(EXHIBIT) Probationary Contracts - Termination at End of Year
- DFBB(EXHIBIT) Term Contracts - Nonrenewal
- DFF(EXHIBIT) Termination of Employment - Reduction in Force
- DFF(REGULATION) Termination of Employment - Reduction in Force
- DFFA(EXHIBIT) Reduction In Force - Financial Exigency
- DFFA(REGULATION) Reduction In Force - Financial Exigency
- DFFC(EXHIBIT) Reduction In Force - Continuing Contracts
- DFFC(REGULATION) Reduction In Force - Continuing Contracts
- DGA(EXHIBIT) Employee Rights and Privileges-Freedom of Association
- DGB(REGULATION) Employee Rights and Privileges-Personnel Management Relations
- DGBA(EXHIBIT) Employee Complaints and Grievances
- DH(REGULATION) Employee Standards of Conduct
- DI(REGULATION) Employee Welfare
- DIA(EXHIBIT) Employee Welfare – Freedom From Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
- DK(REGULATION) – Assignment and Schedules
- DMA(REGULATION) Professional Development-Required Staff Development
- DMA(EXHIBIT) Professional Development-Required Staff Development
- DN(REGULATION) Performance Appraisal
- DNA(REGULATION) Performance Appraisal – Evaluation of Teachers
- DNA(EXHIBIT) Performance Appraisal - Evaluation of Teachers
- DNB(REGULATION) Performance Appraisal – Evaluation of Campus Administrators
- DP(REGULATION) – Personnel Positions
- DP(EXHIBIT) – Personnel Positions
- DPB(EXHIBIT) Substitute, Temporary and Part-Time Positions
- DPB(REGULATION) Substitute, Temporary and Part-Time Positions
- EB(REGULATION) School Year
- EC(EXHIBIT) School Day
- EFA(REGULATION) Instructional Resources – Instructional Materials
- EF(REGULATION) Instructional Resources
- EF(EXHIBIT) Instructional Resources
- EHBAF(EXHIBIT) Special Education - Video/Audio Monitoring
- EHBB(REGULATION) Gifted and Talented Identification Selection Process
- EHDB(REGULATION) Alternative Methods for Earning Credit – Credit By Examination With Prior Instruction
- EHBE(REGULATION) Special Programs-Bilingual Education/ESL
- EHDD(EXHIBIT) Alternative Methods For Earning Credit-College Course Work/Dual Credit
- EHDD(REGULATION) Alternative Methods For Earning Credit-College Course Work/Dual Credit
- EHDE(REGULATION) Technology Resources
- EHDE(EXHIBIT) Technology Resources
- EH(REGULATION) Curriculum Design
- EIA(REGULATION) Academic Achievement - Grading/Progress Reports
- EIF(REGULATION) Academic Achievement – Graduation
- EIF(EXHIBIT) Academic Achievement – Graduation
- EL(REGULATION) Campus Charters
- EL(EXHIBIT) Campus Charters
- EMG(Exhibit) Miscellaneous Instructional Policies-Non-Service Animals
- EMG(REGULATION) Miscellaneous Instructional Policies-Non-Service Animals
- FBA(REGULATION) Equal Educational Opportunity – Service Animals
- FBA(EXHIBIT) Equal Educational Opportunity – Service Animals
- FB(EXHIBIT) Equal Educational Opportunity
- FD(EXHIBIT) Admissions
- FD(REGULATION) Admissions
- FDA(EXHIBIT) Admissions Interdistrict Transfers
- FDA(REGULATION) Admissions Interdistrict Transfers
- FDAA(EXHIBIT) Interdistrict Transfers - Public Education Grants
- FDB(REGULATION) Admission-Intradistrict Transfers and Classroom Assignments
- FDB(EXHIBIT) Admission-Intradistrict Transfers and Classroom Assignments
- FEA(Exhibit) Attendance-Compulsory Attendance
- FEA(REGULATION) Attendance-Compulsory Attendance
- FEB(EXHIBIT) Attendance-Attendance Accounting
- FEB(REGULATION) Attendance-Attendance Accounting
- FEC(EXHIBIT) Attendance-Attendance For Credit
- FED(EXHIBIT) Attendance – Attendance Enforcement
- FEF(REGULATION) Attendance-Released Time
- FFA(REGULATION) Student Welfare-Wellness & Health Services
- FFAA(REGULATION) Wellness and Health Services
- FFAA(EXHIBIT) Wellness and Health Services
- FFAC(EXHIBIT) Wellness and Health Services-Medical Treatment
- FFAF(EXHIBIT) Wellness and Health Services - Care Plans
- FFAF(REGULATION) Wellness and Health Services - Care Plans
- FFB(REGULATION) Student Welfare – Crisis Intervention
- FFC(REGULATION) Student Welfare – Student Support Services
- FFC(EXHIBIT) Student Welfare – Student Support Services
- FFG(EXHIBIT) Student Welfare - Child Abuse and Neglect
- FFG(EXHIBIT) Child Abuse and Neglect
- FFH(REGULATION) Student Welfare - Freedom From Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
- FFH(EXHIBIT) Student Welfare – Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
- FFI(REGULATION) Student Welfare - Freedom From Bullying
- FFI(EXHIBIT) Student Welfare - Freedom From Bullying
- FJ(EXHIBIT) Gifts and Solicitations
- FL(REGULATION) Student Records
- FM(EXHIBIT) Student Activities
- FM(REGULATION) Student Activities
- FNF(REGULATION) Student Rights and Responsibilities – Interrogations and Searches
- FNF(EXHIBIT) Student Rights and Responsibilities – Interrogations and Searches
- FNG(EXHIBIT) Student and Parent Complaints/Grievances
- FO(REGULATION) Student Discipline
- FO(EXHIBIT) Student Discipline
- FOA(EXHIBIT) Student Discipline - Removal by Teacher or Bus Driver
- FOB(EXHIBIT) Student Discipline - Out of School Suspension
- FOC(EXHIBIT) Student Discipline - Placement in a Disciplinary Alternative Educational Setting
- FOCA(EXHIBIT) Placement in a Disciplinary Alternative Education Setting – Disciplinary Alternative Education Program Operations
- GBA(EXHIBIT) Public Information Program - Access to Public Information
- GBAA(EXHIBIT) Information Access - Requests For Information
- GBAA(REGULATION) Information Access - Requests For Information
- GE(REGULATION) Relations With Parent OrganizationsGE(REGULATION) Relations With Parent Organizations
- GE(EXHIBIT) Relations With Parent Organizations
- GF(EXHIBIT) Public Complaints
- GKA(EXHIBIT) Community Relations – Conduct on School Premises
- GKA(REGULATION) Community Relations – Conduct on School Premises
- GKC(EXHIBIT) Community Relations-Visitors to the Schools
- GKC(REGULATION) Community Relations-Visitors to the Schools
- GKD(EXHIBIT) Community Relations - Non School Use of School Facilities
- GKG(EXHIBIT) School Volunteer Program
- GRA(EXHIBIT) Relations With Governmental Entities-State and Local Governmental Authorities